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  • Food Fitness First MOBILE APP-
    How to use the app to put a menu and a recipe together. Go to the FFF Food Database and enter in your foods for each meal or the day. Once entered, go to Meal Entries and it displays the ID Number, Food, Portion, Food Factor and Color. On the right it shows the Factor Goal for the Day and the Factors used for the Day. Go to Daily Intake and it takes you to the FOOD SPIRAL® filled with the foods you have eaten for the day with your % of Green, Yellow and Red.  FFF Recipe Maker: Use the recipe maker to add a favorite recipe by adding each ingredient, the number of servings the recipe makes, name the recipe and save. You then get the number of factors and color of the recipe and a change to save as well as add to your meal entries for the day. Recipes for all FOOD SPIRAL®s (Recipes (Tab at the top of the website): Recipes for all the FOOD SPIRAL®s are located here (see the tab at the top). We have already completed these recipes with factors and colors for each FOOD SPIRAL® listed- Healthy FOOD SPIRAL® (HFS), Diabetes (DFS), CCFS (Carb Counting), Low Sodium (LSFS), Renal (RFS) and Renal Diabetes (RDFS).
  • Why do FAQs matter?
    FAQs are a great way to help site visitors find quick answers to common questions about your business and create a better navigation experience.
  • Fast Foods
    Fast Foods are in grams. Sugars in colas are also in grams. 1 t./tsp. = 5 grams 1 T. = 15 grams 1 oz. = 30 grams 100 grams = 3.33 oz. 200 grams = 6.66 oz. Based on what the restaurant serves or a serving size.
  • What are the Important Labs?
    What are the Important Labs? #1: Glucose a. Main energy source for the body. b. Normal fasting level: 80 to 130 mg/dl. c. 2 hours after meals: < 180 mg/dl. #2: HGBA1C (Hemoglobin A1C) a. HGBA1C indicates your average glucose levels over the past 3 months. b. Normal: 4 to 5.7%. c. Pre-Diabetes: 5.8 to 6.4%. d. Diabetes Diagnosis: > 6.4%. e. Ask your Physician what your goal level should be. #3: Cholesterol A waxy, fat-like substance found in all body cells. Your body needs cholesterol to make Vitamin D, hormones. However, we often eat too many foods high in cholesterol. This can lead to heart disease. Goal: < 200 ml/dl. #4: Triglycerides A type of fat found in the blood that may increase your risk of heart disease and may be a sign of Metabolic Syndrome (a combination of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, low HDL, high triglycerides and fat around the waist). Goal: < 150 mg/dl. #5: HDL Cholesterol GOOD Cholesterol because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the arteries. HDL cholesterol may protect against heart attacks and strokes. Goal: > 40 mg/dl in Men. Goal: > 50 mg/dl in Women. #6: LDL Cholesterol BAD Cholesterol because it builds up in the blood stream, attaches to vessel walls and may cause blockages. High levels increase the risk of heart disease. Goal < 100 mg/dl with diabetes. Goal < 70 mg/dl with known cardiovascular disease. #7: Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) This is also a measure of waste products in your blood. BUN rises when kidneys don’t work well. Values can be affected by diet. Normal lab values are 10 to 20 mg/dl. If you have kidney disease, expect higher values and talk with your Physician about a goal level. #8: Creatinine Creatinine is a measure of the waste products in your blood. It is also used to calculate your Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) for kidney health. Normal lab values are 0.6 to 1.4 mg/dl. If you have kidney disease, expect higher values and talk with your Physician about a goal level. #9: Microalbumin Measures very small amounts of protein or waste in the urine. A high reading may indicate early kidney disease. Goal: < 30 mg. #10: Sodium/Na Sodium helps to control fluid balance. When you have kidney disease, it is hard to get rid of fluids properly. This can cause edema (fluid buildup, swelling), high blood pressure, lung congestion, rapid weight gain, increased thirst, shortness of breath and in rare cases, heart failure. Talk with your doctor about sodium lab numbers and normal lab values. Foods high in sodium are processed foods, canned foods, boxed foods, restaurant foods and many more. Normal range: Sodium: 135 to 145 mEq/L. #11: Potassium /K Potassium plays a role in muscle contraction and relaxation. When your potassium lab is not in the normal range, your heart will beat unevenly or even stop. Talk with your doctor about your lab number and normal lab values for potassium. The foods highest in potassium are fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and dairy products. Do not use salt substitutes which are high in potassium. Normal range: Potassium: 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L. #12: Phosphorus/PO4 Phosphorus buildup in the body can cause itchy skin and your bones to lose calcium, become brittle and break easily. Your doctor may prescribe phosphate binders. You must take them to help remove excess phosphorus. Foods high in phosphorus include milk, dairy, nuts, seeds, chocolate and many processed foods. Your body absorbs 70% in foods like nuts, dried peas/beans and 100% in processed foods. Normal range: Phosphorus: 3.0 to 4.5 mg/dL. #13: Calcium/Ca Calcium Lab Values – Overview Calcium is an essential mineral responsible for the health of our bones and helps regulate salt in the blood. What is a Calcium Blood Test? A calcium Blood Test indicates that your body is having some problems if high or low. #14: Bone Density Test A Bone Density Test with X-ray technology checks the condition of your bones. What is the Importance of Calcium in Our Body? About 99% of our body’s calcium is stored in bones and teeth and1% of calcium is in our blood. The calcium in our bloodstream helps. Your nerves work properly. Your heart function properly. Clots blood faster during a severe injury and helps. Muscles function properly. Low Calcium Levels Symptoms: Muscle cramps or stiffness in muscles Hair falls problem Dry skin Weak nails Tingling in body parts such as feet, lips, tongue, etc. Malnutrition Health Conditions: Deficiency of Vitamin D Kidney problems Pancreatitis Celiac Disease Hypoparathyroidism Hypomagnesemia The low calcium level in your blood is caused by certain medications. High Calcium Levels Symptoms: Nausea & Vomiting Constipation Abdominal pain Increased thirst/Polydipsia Loss of appetite The low calcium level in your blood maybe caused by certain medications. Health Conditions: Kidney problem Lung diseases Breast cancer Lung cancer Blood cancer Hyperthyroidism Normal range: Calcium: 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL. The goals for people on dialysis vary from some of these levels—potassium goal 3.5 to 5.5, calcium 8.4 to 9.5, phosphorus 3.5 to 5.5.
  • Calories, Fiber, & Fluids
    Calories are a measure of the energy a food provides when it is broken down. Controlling calories helps with weight management and weight loss, as well as helping with diabetes (glucose control). Calorie needs are determined and reviewed with each person individually in order to meet weight and diabetes control goals. Fiber is found in all plant foods. There are two types of fiber- soluble and insoluble. Both are important to everyone’s diet for colon balance, improving diet satisfaction, fullness, digestion and possibly cholesterol and glucose control. Each person should eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily or as determined by your doctor or dietitian. Soluble fiber is soluble in water and examples are apples, avocados, barley, carrots, dried beans & peas, fruits, legumes, oats, oranges and vegetables. Insoluble fiber does not absorb water or dissolve in water and passes through the digestive tract close to its original form. It adds bulk or roughage in the digestive system (helps w/constipation & hemorrhoids) and examples are nuts, fruits, vegetables, wheat bran, and whole grains. Breads & Starches should have 2 or more grams of fiber per 100 calories. Fluids- The kidney has trouble getting rid of extra fluids when your kidneys are not working properly. Fluid overload can be very uncomfortable and dangerous. You only need the fluid your body can get rid of through urination and perspiration. Your doctor will talk with you about daily fluid allowance guidelines and if you need to restrict your fluids. Fluids are in soups, broths, ice cream, sherbet, gelatins, milk, coffee, tea, etc.
  • What is a FOOD SPIRAL®?
    There are currently 6 FOOD SPIRAL®s (Healthy, Diabetes (1,800 Calories = 18 Factors, Carb Counting (15 gm. Carbs = 1 Factor, Low Sodium (2,000 mg. = 20 Factors, Renal = 2,000 mg. Na & K and 1,000 mg. Phosphorus = 20 Factors and Renal Diabetes = 2,000 mg. Na & K and 1,000 mg. Phosphorus = 20 Factors) – each designed for a different dietary challenge. Each Food Spiral® is based on the 3 simple colors of a traffic light. Green Foods are considered “GO” foods. We recommend eating these foods at all meals. Yellow Foods are “CAUTION” foods. We recommend eating these foods less often, or 1 to 2 times a day maximum. Red Foods are “STOP” foods. We recommend eating these foods very seldom, or 3 to 4 times a week maximum. These colors signify how healthy a food is for the FOOD SPIRAL® you are using. Now that we understand the 3 colors, it is time to add the 6 food groups to the FOOD SPIRAL®. Foods on the FOOD SPIRAL® are organized as healthiest to least healthy from top to bottom, left to right, light to dark and large too small.
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business like "Where do you ship to?", "What are your opening hours?", or "How can I book a service?".
  • What are some other interesting areas in the Food Fitness First App?
    What are some other interesting areas in the Food Fitness First App? My Favorites- can click on and off and always available. These foods go to an area that you can use as your “personal data base” to make tracking faster. My Favorites is a small red heart. Communications/Share Portal- generates a report so that you can share with your family, Registered Dietitian or Physician. Resources: There are many handouts, blogs, recipes and many resources to help meet your health needs.
  • What are Factors?
    We have 3 different factors we use to help you understand how much food to eat for a serving, how much food to eat daily and your overall health score. Food Factor. A number that represents a food’s nutritional makeup. Food Factors do not have the same meaning as the 3 colors, but they do work together. Factors start at 0 and increase from there, depending on the recommended healthy serving size. The Food Factors are different numbers for each FOOD SPIRAL®. Individual Factor. This factor represents the total number of Food Factors you should be eating daily (a goal). You should remember this number, as it is a personal score. Favorable Fitness Factor®. This number is your overall “Score of Health”. Think of this like a school report card grade, but for your healthy lifestyle choices instead. You can get your Favorable Fitness Factor® and Individual Factor after answering a few health assessment questions online at
  • Logo
    Green is for Go Yellow is for Caution Red is for Stop and a Check that the lighter Green is the best.
  • What are portions?
    Portions entered into the database must be .25 for 1/4 cup, .5 for 1/2 cup, and .75 for 3/4 cup. All portions for your FOOD SPIRAL® are already entered into the database.
  • Where can I add my FAQs?
    FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
  • What is a serving size?
    A serving size is a standardized amount of food based on evidence-based recommendations. In your case, serving sizes are suggestions for how much food to put on your plate at each meal. Food Fitness First uses sports balls to measure standard serving sizes. When making meals, you can refer to the sizes of different sports balls to ensure you are eating enough from each food group. See these examples: 1 t.- Bingo Ball 1 T.- Paddle Ball (3 t. = 1 T.) 2 T./1 oz.-Ping Pong Ball ¼ c.- Golf Ball 1/3 c.- Racquet Ball ½ c.- Tennis Ball 1 c.- Baseball 1 ½ c.- Soft Ball
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